
Showing posts from February, 2022

The online English language skills learning website 'EngAtTip' has designed an assessment by Wipro feb 2022

 The online English language skills learning website 'EngAtTip' has designed an assessment. In the assessment, a piece of text is displayed to the students. The text contains space separated words. A word is an alphabetic sequence of characters with no whitespaces in between the characters. The students must identify the words that are repeated in the text more than or equal to N times. These repeated words are automatically removed by the system before the next text is displayed to the students. The texts do not contain any punctuation marks. Write an algorithm to display the words that are reported more than or equal to N times to the text..............................

kth largest number

Kth largest number 

Far away home asked in wipro feb 2022

"Faraway Home" is an online platform that provides its users with property buying and selling services. Through this platform, a buyer can register a plotonline. Each buyer is provided with a plot registration number. When a customer buys a plot from a seller, the system automatically generates a plot allotment number through the registration number. To generate the plot aldrment number, each even digit of the plategistration number is replaced by the Kth digitafter it in the number. The odd cigits in the number are not repeated. For the last Koigits, the is of digits in the plot number a considered in a cyclic manner

A company is planning to bucketize its data to improve the search operation. asked in wipro feb 2022

A company is planning to bucketize its data to improve the search operation. The data is a sequence of digits [0-9]. The bucket ID is calculated as the sum of all the prime digits in the data. The prime number is a number that is divisible only by itself and 1. Write an algorithm to find the bucket ID for the data as the sum of all prime digits in the data. Input The input consists of an integer data, representing the data. Output Print an integer representing the bucket ID for the date as the sum of all prime digits.

Print an integer representing the number of years which call divide the threshold value completely in wipro 2022

Write an algorithm to count the number of years which can divide the threshold value completely. Input The first line of the input consists of an integer- num, representing the number of years (N). The second line consists of N space-separated integers -scores score The last line consists of an integer threshold, representing the threshold value to compare.   Output  :  Print an integer representing the number of years which call divide the threshold value completely

"VideoShare" is an online video-sharing platform. asked in wipro feb 2022

 "VideoShare" is an online video-sharing platform. The company has decided to rate its users' channels based on the sum total of the number of views received online and the subscribers. This sum total is referred to as User Points. The rating will be given according to the below charts:

A society has multiple apartments, and each apartment has a certain number of people living in it asked in wipro feb 2022

A society has multiple apartments, and each apartment has a certain number of people living in it. A maximum of 9 people is allowed to live in one apartment. The society secretary would like an automated system that takes the number of people living in each apartment and combines it to form a string, providing information for all the apartments where an odd number of people are living. Write an algorithm to make an automated system that will find all the odd digits from the given number.

Sum of All prime numbers in a given range askedin in wipro feb 2022

Given two integers, find the sum of all the numbers between then both are inclusive  Sum of All prime numbers in a given range asked in  in wipro feb 2022

During the fall season the Place Hill country receives lots of students visa applications for admissions in the various degree colleges of the country. (wipro feb 2022)

                                                             VISA CODE During the fall season the Place Hill country receives lots of students visa applications for admissions in the various degree colleges of the country. The country code of all the visa applications received online per day is stored in the form of strings tagged 'e 2 or A-Z in the visa center database. Each character of the string represents the country code. The string is case sensitive and lowercase letters represent one country and capital letters represent another country. The visa center wishes to know the count of the applications of a particular country code received per day. Write an algorithm to help the visa center find out the count of the application of a particular country code received per day.

An e-commerce store's daily sales are stored in the form of a string S tagged 'a-z' or 'A-Z in the company's database online. asked in wipro feb 2022

 An e-commerce store's daily sales are stored in the form of a string S tagged 'a-z' or 'A-Z in the company's database online. Each character in the string represents the product code. The ascii value of the product code represents the sale count of that product. The company wishes to find out the total sale count of N desired products. The total sale count of desired products is the sum of ascii values of occurrence of all the desired products in the string S. If a particular product occurs k times in the string then its ascii value is added k times while calculating the total sale count. ,Write an algorithm to help the company find out the total sale count of the desired N products.

A company wishes to make their order placing processore secure. REVERSE OTP code asked in WIPRO feb 2022

 A company wishes to make their order placing processore secure. To do this they will provide the customer an OTP to ensure that the order is not being placed by a robot. The OTP is calculated as the reversal of the order amount. Write an algorithm to find the OTP, calculated as the reversal of the order amount.

DNA CONCAT asked in WIPRO feb 2022

The first line of input consists of an integer- numSample, representing the number of DNA samples in the 8 9 facility. 10 11 The next line consists of N space-separated strings representing the DNA samples.The last line of input consists of an integer- new count, representing the number of DNA samples to be combined in order to form ney mutants Output Print a space-separated string containing DNA for the new mutants.

A company has sales data code by wipro feb 2022

A company has sales data for two months. Each digit in the sales data represents the product sales count of one product. The first digit in the data is the information for the first product and the second digit is for the second product. The company wishes to find out multiple pieces of information based on the sales data. Total sales of a product, which will be calculated by adding the sales data of an individual product for the first month with the data of the second month. • Total sales change for a product, which will be calculated by subtracting the sales data of an individual product for the first month from the data of the second month. Total sales that can be increased next month, which will be calculated by multiplying the sales data of ar individual product for the first month by the data of the second months For example, if the sales data is 12 and 34, the total sales of a product would be (1+3)2+4)-46. The total sales change for a product would....... ...

"Apparel Online is an e-commerce company. To start shopping from the company's website, "asked in WIPRO feb 2022

 Apparel Online is an e-commerce company. To start shopping from the company's website, a user first needs to create a user profile. While registering as a new user, the username textbox of the company's online registration page allows only letters from the English alphabet numbers (0-9) and whitespaces. If the user attempts to enter special characters in the textbox, that character will be automatically omitted. Print N space-separated integers representing the event data for the total number of participants of any activity type participating in each event.

An e-commerce company is planning to start a new automated order ID generator system asked in wipro feb 2022

 An e-commerce company is planning to start a new automated order ID generator system for book orders. For this purpose, a random string consisting of only digits is fed to the system. From this random number, the order ID is generated as a string which is a concatenation of the sum of digits at the extreme left and extreme right position, then the sum of digits at the second left and second last right position and so on, until there is no digit left for consideration.

A company stores information about product batches in its database Each product has a product ID asked in wipro feb 2022

 A company stores information about product batches in its database Each product has a product ID identified by letters from the English alphabet (a-z). Product batches are the sequence of product IDs The company must remove one product ID from the product batch as that product has been discontinued from manufacturing They have asked the developer to remove the discontinued product from the product batch information and update the database with the new product batch information after removing the discontinued product from the product batch

The online tutoring platform TutoringGuide wishes to organize some online assessment tests asked in wipro

The online tutoring platform TutoringGuide wishes to organize some online assessment tests in various subjects for its students. The subjects will be identified by Res examination code in the assessment The examination code is a string tagged 'a' or 'A-2. The examination code t d by the system. While generated by the s While generating the examination code, some bug in the system allowed the entry of numbers automatically. Now the professional to identify the total count of needs to numbers present in the examination code before creating a script to remove the bug. Write an algorithm to find out the total count of the numbers present in the examination codes.

The data transmitting network of MNC CompSoft transmits two types of data packets throughout code asked in wipro feb 2022

  The data transmitting network of MNC CompSoft transmits two types of data packets throughout the network. The data packets are transmitted in batches. At the end of the day the company updates its database with the number of packets sent and received by the network. The company has a list of N batches to be transmitted through the network. Each batch is identified by batch ID ranging from 0 to (N-1). The list consists of the number of data packets that are transmitted per batch through the network. The batches received by the network are denoted by negative numbers and the ones sent by the network are denoted by positive numbers in the list. The company wishes to know the total count of the data packets sent through the network.

In a bio-science research lab, combining the temperatures of two test-tubes containing cultures produces a.... asked in wipro feb 2022

  In a bio-science research lab, combining the temperatures of two test-tubes containing cultures produces a maximum temperature that is the product of the temperature of the two test-tubes. The temperature of the test-tubes can be negative or positive. The biologist wishes to calculate the sum of the temperature of the two test tubes which will produce the maximum temperature when combined.....

For e-learning, various tutorials are provided to the students.

 For e-learning, various tutorials are provided to the students. One of the tutorials shows the highlighter on a number A on the number line. There is a "jump" button in the tutorial. On pressing the "jump" button, the highlighter moves by a fixed number D towards the right side if D is positive and towards the left side if D is negative. The student has to press the button N number of times. The tutorial has various sets of exercises. For every exercise, the positions of the highlighter before every "jump" button press will be stored in the database. Write an algorithm to find the position of the highlighter before.....

The dance academy 'Dancing Mania has a list of N event sum asked in wipro feb 2022

The dance academy eventid sum asked in wipro feb 2022  The dance academy 'Dancing Mania has a list of N events that it wishes to organize globally. Each event is recognized by an eventID i.e., from 0 to (N-1). The list consists of the activity for each event. The activityID is the concatenation of the number of participants participating in each activity in the event. The academy wishes to find out the data for the total number of participants of any activity type participating in an event. The whole process is automated and will be carried out by the academy system.  20 int ma 2 re 21 22 23 2 Write an algorithm to calculate the total number of participants of any activity that are participating in an event.

During festival season, a supermarket owner decided to provide a gift voucher Total discount to customer code asked in wipro feb 2022

  During festival season, a supermarket owner decided to provide a gift voucher to all their customers. The amount of the gift voucher is to be decided by the difference between the sum of all the even digits and the sum of all the odd digits from the customers' total bill amount. The supermarket owner would like to have an automated system which will calculate and provide the gift voucher amount for each customer. 19 20 21 22 23 Write an algorithm to make an automated system which will find the gift voucher amount for each customer.

"The delivery request of an ecommerce ascii sum code" asked in wipro feb 2022

 "The delivery request of an ecommerce ascii sum code" asked in wipro feb 2022 The delivery requests of an e-commerce website are depicted in the form of strings tagged 'a-z' or 'A Z. Each character of the string represents the request code. The ascii value of the character represents the number of products that need to be delivered for that respective code. Due to limited delivery windows, the website has decided to deliver the products whose codes represents the largest and the smallest ascii values in the string. The company needs to find out the total number of products delivered 21 23 Write an algorithm to find out the total number of products delivered.

Consultancy company product id codeof two list in wipro feb 2022

"consultancy company product id code of two list" in wipro feb 2022 You work in a consultancy company. One of the clients wishes to have software which uses two data lists: one consisting of product ID and the ather consisting of quantity. The software combines the elements alternately so that for each product its quantity is after the product ID. As a lead developer you have been tasked to create the required software.

"mid range salary code" asked in Wipro feb 2022

"mid range salary code" asked in Wipro feb 2022  A company wishes to analyze the middle-range salary distribution of their employees. For this purpose, they have gathered N salaries of different levels. N is always even. Salaries may vary or can be the same. To find the middle range distribution, they must sort the salaries and add the two salarjÄ™s in the middle which will result as the middle range salary distribution. 14 Write an algorithm to find the middle-range salary distribution.

A company has a processor for processing the requests in the request queue Company proccessor total time taken to complete first cycyle

company processor total time taken to complete first cycyle A company has a processor for processing the requests in the request queue. Each request has an execution time varying from 0 to 9 units. The processor is programmed in such a way that it will process the requests in two cycles. In the first cycle, it will process all the requests with an odd unit of time and in the other cycle, it will process the remaining requests. The company wishes to know the total time taken by the processor to complete the first cycle by adding all the odd units of time. Write an algorithm to find the total time to complete the first cycle of requests. confusion??? its if((s[i]-48) % 2  != 0);

"Child care NGO code intern count " asked in wipro

"Child care NGO code " asked in wipro   feb 2022 A childcare NGO WeCare' can receive N number of applications everyyear. Out of these applications, some are from volunteers who wish to work for the NGO full time and some applications are for imems. Each application reced by the NGO has an application ID from a-z and A-Z. The volunteer application IDs are la LeALE QU intern application IDs. The NGO wishes to know the count of intern applications in the given list of currently received application IDs Write an algorithm to help the NGO determine the total count of intern applications .

" A company is planning to provide an extra discount to its customers e-commerce planning to give extra discount" asked in wipro

 //"ODD DIGITS IN ORDER ID CODE" asked in wipro A company is planning to provide an extra discount to its customers. Every order has an order ID associated with it which is a sequence of digits. The discount is calculated as the count of the unique repeating digits in the order ID. Write an algorithm to find the discount percentile given to the customer.

A in string code asked in mindtree

 "A in string code"  asked in mindtree

Product with the successor code asked in mindtree

Product with the successor code asked in mindtree

Max/Min Primes in An Array asked in Mindtree

 Max/Min Primes in An Array asked in Mindtree

Alternate consecutive sum asked in Mindtree

 Alternate consecutive sum asked in Mindtree

Playing with array code asked in mindtree

playing with array code asked in mindtree